
When your student is ABSENT or LATE, please call the school at 360-877-5463 ext. 225 by 9:00 am that day, or send a written excuse to the office upon your student's return to school. All late students must come into the office to be checked in prior to going to the classroom.

When returning from an EXCUSED absence, student shall be permitted to make up all missed assignments. Teacher will allow, as a minimum, two days in which to make up missed assignments and/or tests, for each day of absence. However, long-term assignments, paper and projects are due when the student returns to school. In classes where participation is a critical objective (e.g. P.E.) the teacher will establish reasonable conditions for students to make up assignments, which may extend the two day minimum.

Absences due to illnesses or a health condition, religious or tribal observance, school approved activities and family emergencies may be excused.

In the event a student will miss 3 or more consecutive days of school, parents/guardians should notify the school secretary (and teachers) to make arrangements to receive make-up assignments. This will prevent the student from falling too far behind on schoolwork. Make-up assignments can be arranged to be picked up in the front office after 3pm.

A student will be considered tardy when arriving to school or class after the scheduled start. Excessive tardiness to school or class will result in a referral to the administration for disciplinary action, to include a conference with parents/guardians.

Please call our school office at (360) 877-5463 ext. 200.

State law and district policy contain provisions regarding mandatory attendance of students and excused and unexcused absences. For more information regarding school attendance laws in Washington, please contact Mary Cagle at 360.877.5463 ext. 225 or via e-mail at [email protected]

Please see the following link for more information about school district's responsibilities regarding attendance: