** UPDATE (2/21): Both Levies Pass!! **
Incredible News!! BOTH of our school levies passed and are certified! The EP&O Levy was approved with 60.74% —our highest passing rate in 18 years—and the Capital Levy passed with 54.18%!
A huge THANK YOU to our amazing community for supporting our students, staff, and school! Your investment means we can continue providing great programs and making much-needed improvements to our facilities.
What’s next? We’ll be working to finalize designs and plans for the upgrades, and we’ll keep you updated along the way. Stay tuned!
Want a sneak peak? Learn more from our informational materials released before the levies passed below:
Supporting Our Students: Two Levies, One Goal
On February 11, 2025, voters will decide on two levies for the Hood Canal School District: a 2025 Capital Levy and the renewal of the expiring Educational Programs and Operations (EP&O) Levy. These two levies work together to help students succeed. Below is everything you need to know.

Conceptual Drawing of Renovated Hood School Exterior
Why Two Levies?
State funding only provides for basic educational needs, leaving a significant gap in delivering the well-rounded education our families expect and our students deserve. Local levies bridge this gap by funding essential programs, staffing, and facilities, ensuring our students enjoy opportunities comparable to those in neighboring districts.
Each levy serves specific purposes, but together, they create a comprehensive approach to support our students:
PROPOSITION 1: Educational Programs & Operations (EP&O) Levy Renewal
This levy ensures continued funding for critical staffing, resources, programs, and student supports. It replaces the current levy, which is set to expire, and must be renewed to maintain valuable services such as:
Athletics, clubs, and student activities with transportation
Elective courses like arts and outdoor education with smaller class sizes
Expanded nursing and counseling services
Special education programs
These investments foster a rich educational experience for all students. Watch our Levy Video to see these programs in action.
PROPOSITION 2: Capital Levy for Safety, Critical Infrastructure, and Technology Upgrades
The Capital Levy addresses pressing facility and technology needs to create safe, modern, and innovative learning environments. Funds from this levy are used for:
Upgrading aging and inadequate school facilities
Enhancing safety measures
Modernizing classroom technology
Supporting 21st-century learning spaces
Unlike bonds, which are repaid over decades, the Capital Levy is paid off in just one-third of the time, making it a more efficient way to fund critical projects.
Together, these levies sustain and enhance our schools, ensuring every student has the resources and opportunities to succeed.
Levy FAQs
Is the Educational Programs & Operations (EP&O) Levy something new?
No, the EP&O levy is not new. It’s a renewal of our existing levy, which helps fund a wide range of programs and services for students that the state either does not fund or only partially funds. This includes arts, activities, clubs, athletics, the activity bus, smaller class sizes, additional counseling and nursing services, outdoor education, electives, and much more. See examples in our Levy Video. Without this levy, many of these vital opportunities for our students would not be possible.
How do the Capital and Educational Programs & Operations (EP&O) Levies work together?
Let’s use music as an example: the EP&O Levy would fund a music teacher, while the Capital Levy would fund the construction of a music room—which we currently lack.
Why propose a Capital Levy instead of a bond?
We carefully considered voter and community feedback after the previous bond proposal fell short of the 60% approval required. In response, we developed a cost-effective Capital Levy that addresses the same list of critical facility needs as the bond but costs taxpayers about half as much. This approach ensures we can meet the community’s facility priorities while being fiscally responsible.
What will the Capital Levy fund?
Preschool classrooms, art and music spaces, a larger library, science and technology labs, safer playgrounds, and more (more details below).
What’s the combined tax rate?
$1.89 per $1,000 of assessed value ($1.15 for the Capital Levy and $0.74 for the replacement EP&O Levy), which is below the Mason County and state averages. It is worth noting that over the past 10 years, Hood Canal’s average local school tax rate was $2.22 per $1,000. The current proposal is $0.33 less per $1,000 than the average in Hood Canal. Here are the rate per $1,000 comparisons:
Hood Canal School District (Proposed) | Mason County Avg | WA State Avg | Shelton School District |
$1.89 | $2.07 | $2.73 | $3.53 |
Capital Levy Details
Total Capital levy: $19 million over 6 years
Goal of the Capital Levy: To meet the needs of Hood Canal students and ensure they receive educational programs and opportunities on par with our neighboring districts while creating capacity for growth.
What problems are we trying to solve?
Currently, Hood Canal students miss out on many educational opportunities that most schools and students take for granted. Here are some of our specific challenges:
Lack of adequate science, art, music rooms, or flexible lab spaces (robotics, engineering, video, etc.).
Lack of preschool space: We only have one preschool room and need two so that students are not turned away.
Undersized library lacks enough space for resources and programs
Increased space demands to serve students with disabilities
More classrooms needed to maintain reasonable class sizes
Minimal playground facilities, not ADA compliant
Lack of covered walkways and covered areas
Parking challenges
Lack a safe walking path from Reservation Rd.
Deteriorating transportation building and unsafe pickup area
What NEW facilities are proposed with the capital levy?
The proposed levy will support the following new features for the school:
Two preschool classrooms (~50% students with disabilities)
ADA accessible preschool playground
Visual and Performing Arts Spaces
Larger library
Science Lab
Engineering/Technology Project (STEM) Lab
Flexible/Small Group Instruction Areas
ADA accessible K-8 playground with new covered area
Lighted walking path from Reservation Rd.
Additional storage
Bus loop
Transportation Facility
Additional features may be added based on community, family, students and staff input during the design phase, depending on budget capacity.
Key Comparison: Capital Levy vs. Prior Bond Proposal
Feature | 2025 Proposed Levy | 2024 Bond (Failed) |
Approval Requirement | 50% | 60% |
Repayment Period | 6 years | 21 years |
Total Amount | $19 million | $33.5 million |
Tax Rate | $1.15/$1,000 | $1.05/$1,000 |
Interest Costs | Low | High |
Includes Tech Funding | Yes | No |
Development Basis | Recent Input | Older Input |
Redesigned Floor Maps & Site Plans (Conceptual)

First Floor Conceptual Drawing Map

Second Floor Conceptual Drawing

Proposed Site Plan
Conceptual Drawings

Library STEM Lab Conceptual Drawing

Art Room Conceptual Drawing

Early Learning Center Conceptual Drawing

Science Room Conceptual Drawing
Example Areas Needing Renovation
Additional Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
How was the capital levy proposal developed?
By gathering input through surveys, focus groups, and multiple listening sessions with families, community members, staff, and students, Bassetti Architects developed the current plan. Many who spoke with them focused on what neighboring schools offer and what Hood Canal students are missing. After multiple rounds of revisions, architects finalized the proposed scope for the levy and presented it to the School Board for approval. Architects then developed some conceptual drawings and reliable cost estimates based on the proposed scope. This is now going before voters for their consideration.
Are the drawings and pictures of the proposed capital levy what the school will actually look like?
These are just conceptual drawings to help develop a budget and scope for the levy. Once the levy passes, architects will be selected and will continue gathering input from the community, families, students, and staff to help inform the final design.
When would the new facilities be completed?
We estimate the project could be complete by fall of 2028.
Does the levy include the cost of equipment and furniture for the new facilities?
Yes, all classrooms will be fully equipped with appropriate furniture, equipment, and technology to meet program needs.
Will you hire a performing arts teacher once the new facility is done?
That is our plan, yes. We know this is a huge gap in what we offer students at Hood Canal. We would hope to offer performing arts for all students in grades K-5 and as an option in grades 6-8, but we know this is impossible without the space to support it.
Will this bring more students to Hood Canal?
Based on what we’ve heard from families choosing other options, this is a strong possibility. Having a music program and other options that are considered “standard” in neighboring schools will help make Hood Canal more attractive to families. The additional space gives us capacity for growth to offer new programs. For example, our addition of a Transitional Kindergarten class has already attracted families from other schools.
What is the capacity for the current school?
As originally designed, the school could theoretically serve over 400 students. However, since that time, the requirement for additional classrooms to serve students with disabilities (currently three rooms), the requirement for full-day kindergarten, class size reduction, addition of preschool, and more has exceeded the available number of classrooms in the building. As a result, we cannot offer music classes, lack lab spaces, and currently offer art classes on the stage (which cannot be used as a stage).
What is STEM?
You may have seen the STEM lab in our drawings. STEM stands for science, technology, engineering, mathematics and emphasizes hands-on project-based learning. This term is used to describe the types of engaging educational programs and facilities that will be part of the proposed addition.
Why do we need to do the transportation center as part of this project?
Our transportation center is 70 years old, and its location on our campus is causing safety issues. The buses pick up on our playground and drive through student walking areas to our track, which is unsafe. This means we have to find a safer spot for buses to pick up students. The good news is that 70% or about $6.5 million of the cost for this part of the project will be covered by state matching dollars, making it a financially sensible move. This facility will improve student safety, help the district to save maintenance and operational costs with better equipment, and allow the district to sell its services to other districts through a cooperative.
Does the project estimate include a contingency for increased costs?
Yes. The estimates developed by architects for this project take into account annual escalation in construction costs, which can be significant, as well as a solid contingency to address any unforeseen conditions. This is to ensure we can deliver on all of the commitments included in the proposal.
When do ballots go out and when is election day?
Ballots should be in the mail by January 21, 2025.
How many votes does the district need to pass the levy?
50%+1 of taxpayers in the district would need to vote “yes” to pass the levy. When we ran the bond, it received nearly 57% of the vote and failed by only 57 votes. With a levy, this would have been more than enough to pass.
Can I still register to vote?
Yes! You can register to vote up until right before the election, but we recommend that you do so as soon as possible if you haven’t already.
How does the proposed tax rate compare with what we’ve paid historically?
Over the past 10 years, the average local school tax rate in Hood Canal has been $2.22 per $1,000 of assessed value. The proposed levy and current levy combined would be $1.89 or $0.33 below the historical average.
If my home's assessed value goes, does that mean the district collects more money?
No. The district collects the same amount of money through levies regardless of assessed value. As assessed values go up, the tax rate goes down so that it generates the same dollar amount either way. During the most recent assessment in Hood Canal, average assessed home values went down.
How does the proposed tax rate compare with districts in our area?
Hood Canal’s current local school tax rate is less than half the rate of any other district in Mason County. After passing the levy, it would still be below average for Mason County and Washington state and almost half the rate of our next nearest district.
What are all of the school taxes on my tax statement?
“State School PT 1” and “State School PT 2” are the taxes the state collects to fund schools statewide. This is what funds “basic education” in our state and in Hood Canal. These taxes are determined by the state, not our district or local taxpayers. “School” is our local levy that funds operational costs and programs beyond the bare minimum funded by the state.
In prior years, you may have seen additional local school taxes on your statement. These would have been for the levy that funded the current building (paid off in 2021) and a special capital projects levy that paid mainly for our district’s portion of the new Shelton High School that serves our students. The capital projects levy ended in 2022. Both of these taxes have now expired, which is why local Hood Canal school taxes are the lowest in Mason County and among the lowest in the state.
Is our school building paid off?
Yes. Our current school building opened in 2007 and the levies for that construction were fully paid in 2021. We no longer owe anything on the existing facility. As a result, the levy did not show up on tax statements in 2022, 2023 or 2024.
How long is this capital levy?
This is a 6-year levy. That means the levy would run through 2031.
Who owns the land the school is on?
Hood Canal School is located on Skokomish Reservation land that was generously sold to the District for less than $100 (essentially donated) by Skokomish families to support the construction of a consolidated school to serve the children in our community. As such, the district now has legal ownership of the land, but honors its rich Skokomish history and heritage.
What is a capital and tech levy, and how is it different from an Educational Programs & Operations (EP&O) levy?
Capital and tech levies are for facilities and technology. EP&O levies are for learning and operating costs. Capital levies can be used for new school construction and renovation of buildings, including major repairs and improvements.
Why don’t you just put in portables?
Portables are generally a short-term solution and cost about $350,000 per room without running water or bathrooms. They lack the safety of being connected to the main building and are generally undersized for our proposed uses. They also take up more physical space on the campus since they must be spread out and are only one story high.
Why don’t you just pay for this out of the district’s operating budget?
Hood Canal’s operating budget is less than $8 million and pays for our existing staff, supplies, and services for students. Our reserves for emergencies are about $1 million or less than 2 months operating costs. There is no way to fund the $19 million needed for this project out of our operating budget.
Who are the Citizens for the Support of Hood Canal School?
This is a group of families, staff, and community members supporting the passage of Hood Canal levies and levies. This group is independent of the school district.
Why not send the middle schoolers to Shelton?
We’re not sure this is even a possibility. However, if it were, it would gut the program offerings at the school and possibly make operation unsustainable without enough students to support it. It would also add another school transition for middle school students at a difficult developmental time and increase bus rides for many of our students to 3 hours per day (90 min each way). It’s also worth noting that Hood Canal School resides on Skokomish Reservation land donated by Tribe members specifically to create a local school to serve their children before high school. Sending the middle schoolers to Shelton would be extremely disrespectful of this generous contribution and Native families that represent almost 50% of our student population.
Why don’t we just merge with Shelton?
This is an exceedingly complex and lengthy proposition. District consolidation in our state is rare because it takes away the unique identity of the school district as well as local control. It is also worth noting that merging with Shelton could increase local school tax rates for Hood Canal taxpayers by 400% due to the much heavier tax burden in that district.
What happens if the levies don't pass?
Many current programs would go away and Hood Canal students would miss out on learning opportunities that students in neighboring districts receive and take for granted. The District could choose to put the levies back out to taxpayers for another vote. Construction costs are currently increasing faster than inflation. Should the district need to rerun the capital, the same design would likely cost taxpayers quite a bit more to keep up with rising construction costs.
Are the pictures we have been seeing the final design?
No. These are conceptual drawings used for the proof of concept and budget development. The final design may differ based on feedback and the architectural design process.
Who will decide the final design?
All staff as well as families, students, and community members will participate in an “educational specification” process led by the architects to help identify our actual needs. There will be site visits and other opportunities to see what other schools have and offer to inform the design. A facilities committee will oversee the design process. There will be opportunities for board, staff and community feedback along the way with the final design going to the Board for final approval.
I’ve only been at Hood Canal and it seems like a great facility, do we really need all of this?
While Hood Canal is a great facility, budget constraints during construction almost 20 years ago resulted in missed program opportunities. Changes in demographics and program offerings necessitate addressing class sizes and program needs through the proposed bond.
How was the plan for the levy developed?
Graduates from Hood Canal felt they missed opportunities after learning about their classmates’ experiences in other schools. With new school facilities built in our region in the past few years, it has become clearer what is considered “standard.” This helped highlight what would be possible for Hood Canal students if we had the facilities to support them. This led the district to hire architects to gather feedback from community, staff, families and student to craft the proposal.
What about spaces for individual programs like art, science, and library? How will those teachers be involved?
Those teachers have already provided input and will continue to play key roles in helping plan their spaces, including equipment and other features. They will have the chance to visit other schools to see what is considered current and to talk with staff in those buildings. Once they move into the new spaces and have new equipment, plenty of training will be available.
What additional covered outdoor spaces are being added?
In addition to a new covered area (relocated), the entire front of the school will feature large covered areas and covered walkways.
Will students be involved in planning the playground?
Absolutely! Student input will be very important. We’ve heard that more basketball courts, gaga ball, wall ball, larger play equipment, and more might be desired. In addition, the playground will be fully ADA accessible.
Will we have money to modify existing spaces for new purposes?
Yes. As we move existing programs into new spaces, we will repurpose those spaces (like the existing library).
Has the Skokomish Tribe been consulted about the capital levy plans?
Yes, we have had ongoing conversations, helping address concerns and considerations and this will continue throughout the design and construction process. The Tribe supports the levy proposals, and over 80% of the Skokomish votes were in favor of the prior bond.
Does the transportation center affect any existing housing?
No. It would be built entirely on district property.
What about environmental impacts?
New facilities will be more environmentally friendly and energy-efficient. Stormwater mitigations, rain gardens, filtration systems, and green technology will reduce pollution and environmental impact. Other features, such as solar panels, will be considered.