Student Pick Up and Drop Off

Map of how to pick up and drop off studens

Morning Drop off Procedures:

  1. Follow the traffic cones and drop off students in the loading zone. 

  2. Follow the traffic circle around and exit the parking lot.

  3. If you need to enter the building, please park in a parking space. 

Afternoon Pick up Procedures:

  1. Follow the traffic cones and patterns. 

  2. If you are picking up curbside, remain in the car and continue to move forward with the flow of traffic. 

  3. Your student will be dismissed to your vehicle at the loading zone.

  4. If you are walking up to pick up your student, please park in the parking lot, not the car line. Then walk over to the pick up area. 

 **Car line is reserved for curbside drop off & pick up only. Please follow the 1 way traffic circle and avoid making U-turns or driving over cones.** 

Guidelines for Personal Transportation (Bikes, Scooters, & Skateboards):

  • Students who ride bicycles to school must park them in the designated bike rack area outside the office. Bicycles should be parked and locked in the racks immediately upon entering the school grounds and should remain there until school is out. We highly recommend students use bike locks to protect their property. Please note, the school is not responsible for any damage to bicycles while on school property.

  • Bicycles and other forms of personal transportation are not to be ridden on school sidewalks or in bus loading zones during school hours.

  • All students riding bikes or other modes of personal transportation must wear safety helmets.

  • Scooters, skateboards, and other alternative modes of transportation may be prohibited if safety precautions are not followed.

  • Hood Canal School District does not accept any liability for the operation or use of these devices. The school reserves the right to confiscate items if they are used unsafely.