Student Data Coordinator:
Mary Cagle 360.877.5463 ext. 219
Email Mary Cagle
School Secretary:
Marcia Johnson 360.877.5463 ext. 225
Email Marcia Johnson
Office Assistant:
Tracy Johnson 360.877.5463 ext. 200
Email Tracy Johnson
Student Data Coordinator:
Mary Cagle 360.877.5463 ext. 219
Email Mary Cagle
School Secretary:
Marcia Johnson 360.877.5463 ext. 225
Email Marcia Johnson
Office Assistant:
Tracy Johnson 360.877.5463 ext. 200
Email Tracy Johnson
Our friendly front office team at our school is here to support you and your child. Here are some answers to some of the questions we get most often. Don't see the answer here, our website probably has it. Still stuck? Just give us a call or send us an email.
What is the daily school schedule?
8:25 AM Students will be let into the building
8:30 AM Classes begin with Breakfast after the Bell
8:40 AM Students are tardy and must be signed in by parent/caregiver
3:00 PM Students dismissed
Early Release - Wednesdays
8:25 AM Students will be let into the building
8:30 AM Classes begin with Breakfast after the Bell
8:40 AM Students are tardy and must be signed in by parent/caregiver
1:30 PM Students dismissed
When is the front office open? Monday - Friday 8:00 am to 4:00 pm.
What is Skyward and how do I access it?
Skyward holds all of our student records and helps us communicate important information to families. We encourage all families to access the system regularly. If you already have an account, you can access Skyward here.
To request Skyward Family Access to view your child's grades, attendance and discipline online, please complete this access form and bring it to the school office or send it to Mary Cagle via email by clicking here. Allow up to 2 weeks for processing.
Can my child use the phone?
Students may use the telephone in the office to contact families when needed. Families are encouraged not to call for their student at school unless it is an emergency. To minimize disruptions in the classroom, we do not forward phone calls to staff during the school day. However, we are happy to connect you to the classroom voicemail.
Can my child leave early?
Because student safety is a top concern, we will not release students during the school day unless an authorized person is here to sign them out of our building. If your student will be leaving school midday, please make arrangements through the office and notify your student prior to the start of the school day. If there is a change in your studentβs after school transportation, please call the main office by 2:00 pm on a full-day and 12:00 pm on a half-day to allow time to notify your student. As school attendance is important and early pick-ups can be disruptive to the educational process, we encourage parents/caregivers to wait until school is dismissed before picking up their student.
How do I withdraw my child?
If a student plans to move from our school district, the parent/caregiver should call the school or provide written notification to the office several days in advance of moving. Please make sure all library books, classroom books, sports uniforms, etc. are returned and all fines are paid before withdrawing.
What if my child is absent or late?
When your student is absent or late, please call the school at 360.877.5463 by 9:00 am that day, or send a written excuse to the office upon your student's return to school. All late students must come in to the office to be checked in prior to going to class. Tardies will be considered unexcused unless a parent/caregiver comes into the office to sign in their student.
When returning from an excused absence, students shall be permitted to make up all missed assignments. Teachers will allow, as a minimum, one day in which to make up missed assignments and/or tests, for each day of absence. However, long-term assignments, papers, and projects are due when the student returns to school. In classes where participation is a critical objective (e.g. P.E.), the teacher will establish reasonable conditions for students to make-up assignments, which may extend the one day minimum.
What if my child will be out for an extended time?
In the event a student will miss 3 or more consecutive days of school, parents/caregivers should notify the school secretary and teacher(s) to make arrangements to receive make-up assignments. Students will be allowed to make up any work missed during an approved absence within a time frame worked out between the teacher and parent/caregiver. Parents/caregivers should understand that even though a student may have an approved absence, their grade may still be adversely affected by their absence, especially if they miss classroom instruction.