Bus Expectations

We provide bus transportation for students residing within our district's boundaries. Riding the bus is both a privilege and an extension of the classroom, where students are expected to behave according to our district's expectations for school-provided transportation. Proper behavior is expected on all buses at all times. Any student abusing this privilege may have their bus riding privileges revoked.
Bus Expectations
Use inside voices.
Stay in your seat.
Do not eat or drink.
Keep hands and feet to yourself.
Follow the bus driver’s directions.
School behavior expectations apply on the bus.
The Transportation Department distributes the Bus Discipline Procedures and Parent/Guardian Transportation Contract during the first week of school. We ask that each parent/guardian read and review these procedures with their student before signing and returning the document.
Discipline Procedures and Consequences
Our approach to discipline is focused on addressing the student’s behavior in a progressive manner. Depending on the severity of the infraction, the bus driver may take the following steps:
Communicate Concern with the Student: The driver will first address the issue directly with the student.
Change of Assigned Seat: The driver may change the student’s assigned seat.
Parent/Caregiver Contact: The driver will contact the student's parent or caregiver to discuss the concern.
Teacher Communication: The driver will inform the student's teacher about the issue.
Documentation: The driver will provide the parent/caregiver and the principal with documentation of the infraction.
Damage Repairs: If applicable, the driver will request that the parent/caregiver be issued an invoice for the repair of any damages incurred.
Meeting Request: A meeting may be requested between the student, parent/caregiver, bus driver, and/or the principal.
Temporary Suspension of Bus Privileges: In cases of severe or repeated infractions, the student may face temporary suspension from bus privileges.
Our goal is to ensure a safe and respectful environment for all students during transportation. We appreciate your cooperation in maintaining these standards.
For more information regarding the district's Bus Discipline Procedures/Consequences please refer to our Hood Canal School Student/Family Handbook.