Health and Nutrition
Welcome to the Hood Canal School District Health and Nutrition page. Hood Canal is committed to the optimal development of every student. The District believes that for students to have the opportunity to achieve personal, academic, developmental and social success, we need to create positive, safe and health-promoting learning environments at every level, in every setting, throughout the school year. Research shows that two components, good nutrition and physical activity before, during and after the school day, are strongly correlated with positive student outcomes.
On this page you will find information for students and families to practice healthy eating as well as the District's commitment to promote healthy behaviors for all students throughout the school day.
Message for Parents | District Local Wellness Policy | Tipsheet | Breakfast Guide | Summer Meals Outreach
National School Lunch Program

Hood Canal School believes that the health and wellness of our students is important. Childhood obesity is one of the most serious health epidemics facing America today. This can lead to a range of health problems in our youth that previously were not generally seen until adulthood, including high blood pressure, type II diabetes, and elevated blood cholesterol levels. As a parent/guardian, your partnership is particularly important and we would like to extend an invitation to you to become a member of the district's School Wellness Council. If you have any questions, or want to know more about what sort of responsibilities you will have as a member, please contact our Kitchen Manager at Email Lori Wagner.